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원숄더 가운
The Sei

brand: The Sei
$238 Previous price: $678

4번 할부 $59.50 by

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도착 예정일: 3 월 17일 - 3 월 19일

Ratings and reviews!

리볼버 들이 리뷰한 제품입니다

사이즈: true to size

runs small
true to size
runs large

Would recommend this product

  • 사이즈: true to size
  • 체형: 통통함
  • 키: 평균
  • 질이 안좋아서: 안좋음
2.0 별 5개중

이 상품을 다른사람에게 소개 하겠습니까? no

I was expecting a lot more from this piece. The material didn't look high-quality in person. It's also very iridescent. I felt that, for the price, the execution wasn't there. The lining also kept rolling and showing around the neckline.

  • 사이즈: true to size
  • 체형: 약간의 굴곡
  • 키:
  • 질이 안좋아서: 평균
2.0 별 5개중

이 상품을 다른사람에게 소개 하겠습니까? no

Wanted to love it so bad!!! It's so gorgeous but the slit is SO WIDE and exposes your entire leg which really made it look cheap. So sad! Otherwise it's a gorgeous shape