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NINA 스키니진
Rag & Bone

brand: Rag & Bone
$123 Previous price: $255
Coated Black
사이즈를 선택하세요
94.5% 면, 4% 폴리, 1.5% 엘라스탄. 코팅 데님. 지퍼와 단추잠금. 5-포켓 디자인. 무릎부분둘레 12", 바지밑단 둘레 10". 원산지: 미국. Revolve 스타일 번호 RAGA-WJ469. 제조사 스타일 번호 WDD19F2639I3CB COATED BLK.

rag & bone is rooted in a dedication to craftsmanship, innovation and timeless style. Each collection is designed in New York and developed through the time-honored techniques of some of the oldest and most supremely skilled manufacturers from around the world. Since the brand's origins in 2002 the focus has been, and always remains, on creating the highest quality goods.