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T BY 셔츠
Alexander Wang

brand: Alexander Wang
$234 Previous price: $450
Acid Charcoal & Brindle
사이즈를 선택하세요
100% 면. 원산지: 중국. 반드시 드라이클리닝. 앞면 버튼 잠금. 가슴 슬립 포켓. 셔츠자락 느낌의 밑단. Revolve 스타일 번호 AWAR-WS147. 제조사 스타일 번호 4WC3241409.
Model Info
자스민 is 5' 9'' 사이즈를 착용하고 있습니다. S

Alexander Wang adds measured depth to his signature tough-sexy pieces using a sultry scarlet and feminine blush alongside his favorite black and grey hues. Expect luxe hybrids of your favorite outerwear as well as layers, chunky knits, and sleek satins in this collection.