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brand: SHASHI
$47 Previous price: $78
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실버톤 메탈. 원산지: 태국. Post-back closure. 지름의 길이는 약 0.5". Revolve 스타일 번호 SHAS-WL880. 제조사 스타일 번호 SH-E1781.

In 2009, designers Yuvi Alpert and Danna Kobo debuted Shashi, an everyday jewelry line that holds to the unique quality of their luxury brand Ruby Kobo. As the free-spirited, bohemian-inspired sister collection to their main line, Shashi is fraught with dainty jewels and beaded pieces, architectural rings, and bright friendship bracelets. Pile them on or wear them alone for a style that is all your own.

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