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Luv AJ

brand: Luv AJ
$36 Previous price: $75
사이즈를 선택하세요
골드톤 메탈. 수입상품. Post-back closure. 치수는 약 1.25" x 세로 1.25". Revolve 스타일 번호 LUVA-WL752. 제조사 스타일 번호 LEILA.

Luv AJ designer Amanda Thomas finds inspiration in vintage whim and modern sensibilities. Since founding her line of accessories in 2005, Thomas has forged working relationships with designers like Corey Madley and Rachel Pally, as well as with stylists and fashion editors. Today, her pieces are a hit among the celled set, with ladies like Ashlee Simpson, Paris Hilton, and Lindsay Lohan sporting her quirky, retro-inspired pieces.

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