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Line & Dot

brand: Line & Dot
$57 Previous price: $74

4번 할부 $14.25 by

Please select a size
마지막 1개!

도착 예정일: 1 월 24일 - 1 월 25일

Ratings and reviews!

리볼버 들이 리뷰한 제품입니다

사이즈: true to size

runs small
true to size
runs large

Would recommend this product

  • 사이즈: runs large
  • 체형: 해당없음
  • 키: 해당없음
  • 질이 안좋아서: 평균
5.0 별 5개중

이 상품을 다른사람에게 소개 하겠습니까? yes

  • 사이즈: true to size
  • 체형: 약간의 굴곡
  • 키:
  • 질이 안좋아서: 안좋음
1.0 별 5개중

이 상품을 다른사람에게 소개 하겠습니까? no

I was really excited for this order but the fabric looks super cheap & of low quality. Also, the diagonal across the chest isn't even straight; it just looks awkward and unflattering. If you have a bigger chest like me, stay away from this top!! Due of the see through top & cheap material, finding a bra to wear with it is almost impossible. I had to return it.