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    RITUAL 브러쉬
    Joanna Vargas

    brand: Joanna Vargas
    $30 Previous price: $30
    사이즈를 선택하세요

    Joanna Vargas' Ritual Brush is key in helping skin attain its best glow and exfoliate effectively every day. Use this brush on dry skin before cleansing to activate and glow.


    • 전신 사용에 안전함
    • 천연 친환경 소재로 제작
    • 부드럽고 탄력있게, 셀룰라이트를 최소화하도록 설계
    • 탈착식 헤드 브러시
    • Revolve 스타일 번호 JNAV-WU21
    • 제조사 스타일 번호 JV19
    • 실제의 포장과 성분이 약간 다를수 있습니다. 사용전에 상품의 라벨을 확인해서 경고와 정보를 확인하세요.


    • 목욕하기 전에 마른 피부에 매일 사용하십시오. 발가락부터 시작하여 심장을 향해 길게 쓸어 닦은 다음 손가락 끝에서 안쪽으로 닦으면서 셀룰라이트가 생기기 쉬운 부위에 더 많은 시간을 할애합니다
    • 혈액 순환을 촉진하기 위해 항상 심장을 향해 브러쉬하세요
    • Wash bristles in warm soapy water once a week. Dry in a well-ventilated area, with bristles facing down

    Joanna Vargas, recognized skin care expert and founder of her eponymous all-natural skin care collection, is focused on one thing: beautiful skin. Combining her commitment to plant-based ingredients and her passion for science, Joanna's nature-meets-technology approach has made her one of the most sought out estheticians and experts in the beauty industry today. As her practice evolved and expanded to both coasts, Joanna was inspired to apply her philosophy to a namesake skincare collection, making it possible for clients and fans everywhere to maintain their skin at home. Today, Joanna's results-driven treatments and products are a favorite among celebrities, supermodels, socialites, editors, and women who simply want the best for their skin.