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brand: Converse
$91 Previous price: $130
Utility & Egret
사이즈를 선택하세요
스웨이드와 직물 갑피, 고무 밑창. 원산지: 베트남. 앞 지퍼 잠금. 배색된 고무 처리된 All Star 로고. 뒷면의 그로스그레인 당김 탭. 고무 처리된 뒷면 카운터 및 디보싱된 별. 고무 토캡. 약 65mm/ 2.5 인치 플랫폼. 이 상품은 해외배송이 불가능합니다. Revolve 스타일 번호 CNVR-WZ297. 제조사 스타일 번호 A05527C.

Founded in a small town of Massachusetts in 1908, Converse is a classic American brand that has always pushed the boundaries of what a sneaker can do. After basketball player Charles H. "Chuck" Taylor walked into their sales office in 1921, he persuaded the company to work with him and create a line of comfortable shoes designed purely for basketball. By the 1930s, basketball players throughout America were wearing the All Star silhouette, thanks to the influence of Chuck Taylor. Since then, the iconic sneaker has maintained its appeal even after 100 years, with an influence unlike any other shoe.

Ratings and reviews!

리볼버 들이 리뷰한 제품입니다

사이즈: runs large

작게 나왔어요
크게 나왔어요

Would recommend this product

  • 사이즈: 정사이즈
  • 체형: 해당없음
  • 키: 해당없음
  • 질이 안좋아서: 매우좋음
5.0 별 5개중

이 상품을 다른사람에게 소개 하겠습니까? yes

I had to send mine back as they where us size and not uk I couldn't believe I made the mistake but I can't wait to order again just waiting for the white pair to come in to the shop my size.

  • 사이즈: 정사이즈
  • 체형: 해당없음
  • 키: 해당없음
  • 질이 안좋아서: 평균
5.0 별 5개중

이 상품을 다른사람에게 소개 하겠습니까? yes

  • 사이즈: 크게 나왔어요
  • 체형: 해당없음
  • 키: 해당없음
  • 질이 안좋아서: 평균
4.0 별 5개중

이 상품을 다른사람에게 소개 하겠습니까? yes

Runs a little big. Size down 1-2 size. Cute on small feet, but made my small feet look a little big, so may make big feet look bigger.